Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Applying Lacan’s Mirror stage theory to our own 4-hour film challenge.

Applying Lacan’s Mirror stage theory to our own 4-hour film challenge.

·     Young girl aspiring to be popular/ liked by her peers
·     Aiming to be like her reflection, first shot - over the shoulder shot of her getting ready in the mirror, trying to look desirable. 
·     Close ups of jewellery
·     Long shot of her walking on own, not as popular as she hopes to be 
·     Shots or her sitting on her own / shot of her being ignored by peers
·     Tries to show of with expensive possessions when in reality makes her look vain a self-centred therefore doesn’t make friends. 


I think that our 4-hour film challenge was also successful in showing the characters lack in life by showing a long shot of the character walking alone with others walking in groups. This helped us signify to the audience that this character is lonely and has a very significant lack of friends / peers in her life therefore making her very isolated and unstable.

However, a weakness of our 4-hour film challenge was when the character was chasing down one of her peers in a long shot to walk with her, this was a weakness as you can’t clearly hear her shouting out to her peer to wait for her so the audience has to guess if this character is ignoring her, it seems a bit unclear within the shot. Along with this they were barley in the shot together for a very long time so lengthening this could have made it clearer that he was Ignoring her. 

Overall, I think that our 4-hour film challenge was successful in portraying Lacan’s mirror stage theory as we were able to portray to the audience that the character is trying to portray themselves as a stable entity of which she sees in the mirror by trying to make themselves look better than what we are even though we will never be able to be that entity. 

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