Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Ideal shot types and potential music.

Ideal shot types.

·     Mid to close ups of all puppies involved.
·     Long shots of puppies running either too owner or playing (160 shutter speed).
·     Mid to close ups of demonstrations e.g. puppy learning to sit.
·     Tracking shop of puppy demonstrating ‘recall’ (160 shutter speed).
·     Mid shots of ‘Puppy Play’ 

Potential background music.

Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Storyboard - Review based promotional video.

Storyboard - Review based promotional video.

Image 1
 Copyright free instrumental music. 
Music fades in at the beginning.
 Previous puppy attendee's running in field in a tracking shot, puppy school logo fades in and out.

Ideally .01-.15 seconds long.

Image 2
 Copyright free instrumental music. 
 Close to mid shots of a range of puppies, appeal to audiences emotions by seeing cute puppies, introduce some of the puppies.

Ideally .15-.25 seconds long.

Image 3
 Copyright free instrumental music. 
 First previous attendee practicing 'settle' while in the home, quote appears from owner about how they feel about puppy school.

Ideally .25-.35 seconds long.

Image 4
 Copyright free instrumental music. 
 Mid shot of current puppy attendee demonstrating being handled in a formal manner e.g. vets / groomers , quotes from owners giving opinion fades onto screen and out of screen.

Ideally .35-.40 seconds long.

Image 5
 Copyright free instrumental music. 
 Mid shot of current puppy attendee demonstrating 'gentle' (leave it / take it) ,quotes from owners giving opinion fades onto screen and out of screen.

Ideally .40-.45 seconds long.

Image 6
 Copyright free instrumental music. 
 Mid shot of current attendee demonstrating the 'down', quotes from owners giving opinion fades onto screen and out of screen.

Ideally .45-.50 seconds long.

Image 7
 Copyright free instrumental music. 
 Tracking shot of current puppy practicing 'recall' fades into slow motion at start and fades out of slow motion at end, quotes from owners giving opinion fades onto screen and out of screen.

Ideally .50 - 1.05 seconds long.

Image 8
 Copyright free instrumental music. 
 Tracking shot of seconds  previous puppy attendee walking on a lead, quotes from owners giving opinion fades onto screen and out of screen.

Ideally 1.05-1.10 seconds long.

Image 9
 Copyright free instrumental music. 
Music fade out at end.
 Close to mid shots of all puppies as star ratings fade onto screen and out of screen, ending fade to black.

(5 out of 5, based on 'Puppy School Atherstone facebook page review) 

Ideally 1.10-1.30 seconds long.

Monday, April 15, 2019

Storyboard - Semi instructional video

Storyboard - Semi instructional video

Image 1
Copyright free instrumental music. 
Music fades in at the beginning.
Tracking shot of dogs walking into puppy school or close up of puppies first settling down, Puppy school logo fades in and out of screen, all shots will be in ambient / high key lighting to connote positivity surrounding puppy school.

Ideally .1 - .30 seconds long.

Image 2
 Copyright free instrumental music
Close up of almost every puppy to introduce them and anchor audiences attention by appealing to their emotions with cute puppies. Puppies in natural state. 

Ideally .30 - .40 seconds long.

Image 3
  Copyright free instrumental music
 Introduction into getting puppy to sit by using hand signals. 
Potentially having writing saying 'Learn how to teach puppy to sit'
Close up of owner getting treats ready / close up of puppy getting excited. 

Ideally .40-.45 seconds long.

Image 4
  Copyright free instrumental music
Introduction into getting puppy to sit by using hand signals. 

'From this'...
Close up of puppy sniffing treats from owners hand and they are gently being pushed into sitting position. 

Ideally .45-.50 seconds long.

Image 5
   Copyright free instrumental music
 Finish into getting puppy to sit using hand signals. 
Potentially have writing saying 'To this'...

Close up mid shot of owner lifting up hand to give puppy hand signal to sit down while showing puppy sitting down. 

Ideally .50 -.55 seconds long.

Image 6
 Copyright free instrumental music
 Close ups of different  puppies learning to sit at different stages. 

Ideally .55-1.05 second long

Image 7
  Copyright free instrumental music
 Potentially Having writing saying 'Learn this and much more'

Close up of puppies learning to settle
ideally 1.05-1.10 seconds long
- Start of montage of things puppies will learn in Puppy School.

Image 8
Copyright free instrumental music
Music fades out at end.
 End with long shot of dog running to owner when called, transform into slow motion in middle of shot at a shutter speed of 160 frames per second then fade into originally speed towards end of shot. 
Ideally 1.10-1.25 seconds long.
End by fading to black

Consent form

Consent Form

Video Consent and Release Form.
Puppy School Promotional Video.

To whom it may concern, 

I (the undersigned) hereby grant to Charlotte Haile and Puppy School the right to photograph / film me and to record my voice, performances, poses, actions, plays and appearances, and use my picture, photograph, silhouette and other reproductions of my physical likeness in connection with the motion picture which shall appear on the internet (YouTube, Facebook, Charlotte Haile’s blog of HNC work, Puppy School’s website and or blog etc.). 

I agree that I will not assert or maintain against Charlotte Haile and Puppy School,your successors, assigns and licensees, any claim, action, suit or demand of any kind or nature whatsoever, including but not limited to those grounded upon invasion of privacy, rights of publicity or other civil rights, or for any reason in connection with your authorized use of my physical likeness and sound in the Picture as herein provided. 

By my signature here I understand that my image will be used in a promotional video for ‘Puppy School’ produced by Charlotte Haile as part of a HNC in creative media production course and shall appear on various platforms such as YouTube, Facebook, Charlotte Haile’s blog of HNC work, Puppy School’s website and or blog and Puppy School team training sessions as well as any other way that Puppy School sees fit to use any footage produced. 

I hereby certify and represent that I am over 16 years of age and have read the foregoing and fully understand the meaning and effect thereof. 

Print Name ……………………………………………

Signature ……………………………………………

Name of Puppy ……………………………………………

Breed of Puppy ……………………………………………

Date ……………………………………………

Minor Consent Form

Minor Video Consent and Release Form.
Puppy School Promotional Video.

To whom it may concern, 

I (the undersigned) hereby grant to Charlotte Haile and Puppy School the right to photograph / film my child and to record my child’s voice, performances, poses, actions, plays and appearances, and use my child’s picture, photograph, silhouette and other reproductions of my child’s physical likeness in connection with the motion picture which shall appear on the internet (YouTube, Facebook, Charlotte Haile’s blog of HNC work, Puppy School’s website and or blog etc.). 

I agree that I will not assert or maintain against Charlotte Haile and Puppy School,your successors, assigns and licensees, any claim, action, suit or demand of any kind or nature whatsoever, including but not limited to those grounded upon invasion of privacy, rights of publicity or other civil rights, or for any reason in connection with your authorized use of my child’s physical likeness and sound in the Picture as herein provided. 

By my signature here I understand that my child’s image will be used in a promotional video for ‘Puppy School’ produced by Charlotte Haile as part of a HNC in creative media production course and shall appear on various platforms such as YouTube, Facebook, Charlotte Haile’s blog of HNC work, Puppy School’s website and or blog and Puppy School team training sessions as well as any other way that Puppy School sees fit to use any footage produced. 

I hereby certify and represent that I am over 18 years of age and give consent on behalf of my child and have read the foregoing and fully understand the meaning and effect thereof. 

Minor Print Name ……………………………………………

Parent / Guardian Print Name ……………………………………………

Parent / Guardian Signature ……………………………………………

Name of Puppy ……………………………………………

Breed of Puppy ……………………………………………

Date ……………………………………………

Risk Assessment / Health and Safety.

Risk Assessment / Health and Safety. 

1) Hazard = Wires from filming equipment, people may trip over or dogs might try and chew.

Who may be harmed?= Producer, Actors, Crew, Dogs

Property that may be damaged?= filming equipment

Risk controls already in place?= Make sure to not have equipment that may need wires, such as making sure camera battery is fully charged before-hand therefore no wires needed during filming. 

Risk= Low 

Further action required to control risk?= Only use equipment that doesn’t require wires during filming. 

2)   Hazard = Behaviour of dogs

Who may be harmed?= Producer, Actors, Crew, Dogs

Property that may be damaged? = Filming equipment / dog training equipment 

Risk controls already in place? Dog will be on leash and supervised at all times and will not be left unattended.

Risk= Moderate 

Further action required to control risk? = Dog will almost always be practicing training techniques they are there to learn. 

3)   Hazard = Fire 

Who may be harmed? = Producer, Actors, Crew, Dogs

Property that may be damaged?= Location / equipment 

Risk controls already in place?= Fire exists clearly marked / visible and having fire exists clear for easy access. 

Risk?= Moderate. 

Further action required to control risk?= Have everyone involved aware of the fire exists along with having fire extinguishers available. 

4)   Hazard= Dogs may run away 

Who may be harmed?= Dogs

Property that may be damaged? = Doors / cars on road

Risk controls already in place?= Doors will be shut at all times

Risk?= Low

Further action required to control risk? = Dogs will be on a leash and monitored throughout the puppy training session. 

One of the biggest health and safety concerns when filming for this promotional video would be having loads of filming equipment / wires so by limiting the equipment to 1 tripod and 1 camera means that there will be no wires for people to trip over or for dogs to chew which allows me to protect the health and safety of everyone involved. Along with limiting the equipment to protect everyone’s health and safety it also means that I won’t get in the way of the day to day running of Puppy School classes and allows them to operate as normal.