Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Improvements for future research investigations.

Improvements for future research investigations. 

If I was to conduct another research investigation I would make sure that when conducting a focus group I would make sure that I have enough time to ask the participants all of the appropriate questions needed to make sure I have enough information from the target audience to make better decisions for my production. By having a longer amount of time to ask questions and having a more detailed discussion I will be able to gain a greater insight into the target audiences opinions, this will also mean that I will be able to make my production appeal to a wider audience. 

Another thing I would improve if I was to conduct another research investigation would be to implement the use of pilot studies. This would mean that I would be able to find out any faults with my studies and improve them before reproducing them on a larger scale. Using pilots studies would also allow me to improve the validity of my studies for example face validity e.g. does the questionnaire measure what it is supposed to? Or to test its effectiveness such as the types of results produced and how they are analysed. Using a pilot study would particularly help to improve my focus group in reducing any problems that may occur. 

I would also make sure that to improve my research investigation I would add more questions that produce qualitative data in my questionnaire in order to gain a higher amount of detail and again gain a greater insight into the wants of my target audience. Although it may take longer for participants to answer and more time to analyse the results I will be able to produce a music video that is more suited to the target audiences needs as well as improving construct validity as it will measure what I initially intended to measure.  I would do this by asking participant why after they answer a question in order to produce both qualitative and quantitate data. 

A final way I would improve any future research investigations is by producing a questionnaire that would be easily distributed to a wider range of people as for the questionnaire I used I only managed to get 15 participants. By getting a wider range of people to participant in my questionnaire I could find more balanced results and help to reduce any type of bias’s that may have occurred. As well as this I would also be able to improve the face validity and predictive validity of my questionnaire. This would also lead to better decision making for my production and all me to create a music video that would appeal to a wider audience rather than just the target audience. 

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